HA!! A Blog Hop.
How Fun. Go get yourself some freebies and some new friends hopping from blog to blog.
I'll be with the hop the whole week, but all my posts will be below the hop info. Today's recipe is
perfect, never-fail pork chopsEasy Entry
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Awesome, never fail porkchop recipe
- Turn Broiler on to high
- Sprinkle bone-in pork chops with Adolphs and jab with a fork over and over
- Sprinkle with garlic salt
- Sprinkle with pepper
- Line broiler pan with aluminum foil or just use the foil and bend up the edges to catch any juices
- Place pork chops on pan or on foil in the oven on the top rack.
- Set the timer for 4 mins. (You may need to wedge a wooden spoon in you door to keep it open just a touch. If the oven gets too hot it shuts off)
- Turn the pork chops over when the timer dings and re-set it for 3 minutes.
- Pull the pork chops out and let them sit 10 mins. before you serve them.
Make mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans to complete the meal.