So much is going on right now, it's making my head spin. :)

Kate Unmasked (Code of Silence: Book 1) is now available!
Amazon | Barnes and Noble | iBooks
Confessions of a 16-Year-Old Virgin Lips has a new name-Sweet and Sour Kisses (A Brooklyn Novel: Book 1)
Amazon | Barnes and Noble | iBooks
Dangerous Truth is coming out in an anthology, Sweet and Sassy:Castle Collection on Sept. 15th
Fatal Exchange (A Christy Spy Novel: Book 3) is coming out on Sept. 29th for reals
Descension (a new prequel to a new series I'm writing) is now available! Go snag it. It's in an anthology, Strange and Lovely with a bunch of other authors-wahoo!

Kate Unmasked (Code of Silence: Book 1) is now available!
Amazon | Barnes and Noble | iBooks

Amazon | Barnes and Noble | iBooks
Dangerous Truth is coming out in an anthology, Sweet and Sassy:Castle Collection on Sept. 15th
Fatal Exchange (A Christy Spy Novel: Book 3) is coming out on Sept. 29th for reals

Adrenaline Rush (a Christy spy novel: Book 1) is now available everywhere.
Gravediggers is now available everywhere.
The Watched trilogy is everywhere.